The Manifesting Lab

The Hidden Formula to Happiness

Happiness is not a destination!

Many people make the tactical error of thinking that they can go directly toward happiness. Here’s a news flash: happiness is a by-product, not a goal! We think that we can just choose happiness, and if we don’t succeed, then something is wrong with us. Incorrect!
Happiness is a result; it is the result of following our passions, and going after our dreams. It is a product of giving to others and being of service to the world. Let’s stop beating our heads against the wall in a useless effort and learn the alchemy that will result in real joy!
Solve the mystery of happiness and learn how to get our share of the fun and fulfillment that is life’s promise!


Replays Available! 

Purchase the series and take it at your own pace.

Go at your own pace!

$ 97

  • 3-Part Video Course
  • Replay of Live Classes + Workbook
  • Audio Replay of 3 Morning Practices
The proof is inarguable. Minute to minute techniques interact with your mind and begin to completely change your life.
Get out of your own way today. Why wait? Reignite your dreams and awaken your burning desires
Work directly with Thomas M. Jones, Co-Founder of The Paradox Process with over 50 years experience with CEOs, Award-winning performers, doctors, musicians, artists, social workers, psychologists, across the globe.

P.S. Still Curious?
Here's what clients shared about Thomas' work...

Life Changing

The Paradox Process is proving to be life changing. As a life and death trauma survivor, I have battled depression. OCD and PTSD for my entire adult life. For the first time, Paradox Process is giving me a workable, simple and effective skill set to actually move past the old conditioning and focus on what I want to create moving forward.

Amy Jordan Award-Winning Speaker, Author and Choreographer

LFG 2024!

The energy in The Manifestation Lab could be felt from your fingers to your toes. I left with so many tools to manifest bigger and better. I have a game plan now thanks to Thomas, LFG 2024!

–Midge Denton, Costumer

A new way to look at relationships!

While healthy relationships can be hard work, Thomas M. Jones shows how fulfilling and rewarding they can be.

– Jill Lesko of Women Helping Women, President of the Board

Mondays are Great!

I’m so excited for Mondays. This is a such great experience. I always left feeling empowered to move forward on whatever issue I was working on. It is so uplifting and inspiring!

– Marc C.

Self-knowledge is the key to Personal Power
Unlock your Mind
This class will challenge you week after week—reigniting dreams and reawakening burning desires. We’ll show you how The Paradox Process tools interact with your mind and completely change your life.
Create Community
A like-minded group gives us courage, a real sense of “We can do it.” When one of us has a breakthrough, we all win. Everyone feels encouraged to face issues and to fight harder to become who we can be.
Be Brilliant
Discover the real you, an incredible being with amazing potential. You have gifts, inspiration, and a passion for life. This inner you has confidence that is unstoppable and full of great joy and satisfaction.

After purchasing, you will be prompted to sign up for your own personal account on our membership site Thinkific. All of the material for the series will be accessible in one spot. 

* All classes are on zoom. 
* Replays are posted to the Paradox Thinkific portal within 24hrs.

 All sales are final and non-refundable.

Have questions? Email [email protected]