Hit the Ground Running

The Manifesting Lab

How is this any different than all the manifesting that's going on out there now? This is not your run of the mill woowoo. This is not about wishing in order to make it so. This course is about the formation of reality: how you create the realities that you do create, and in what ways your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs, your expectations influence your creation of that reality. We’ll teach you how to deliberately hack the system called your brain, your reticular activating system, in a way that changes your neural networks so that you create the very things that you want to create.

How is this any different from any other Manifesting Techniques? This is not aspirational. When you learn how to discipline that wonderful instrument called “the mind”, you will open up to a new world of power and possibility!

This is real work:
We're going to talk about intention, burning desire and personal power in a way that we turn these into practical and usable terms
to get you what you want.


Replays Available! 

Purchase the series and take it at your own pace.

Go at Your Own Pace

$ 97

  • 4-Part Video Course
  • Replay of Live Classes +
  • Workbook
  • Audio Replay of 4 Morning Practices
The proof is inarguable. Minute to minute techniques interact with your mind and begin to completely change your life.
Get out of your own way today. Why wait? Reignite your dreams and awaken your burning desires
Over 50 years of Experience Work directly with Thomas M. Jones, Co-Founder of The Paradox Process
P.S. Still Curious?

Here’s what clients have shared about Thomas’ work:

  • "Mondays is a super inspiring class. Never have I felt more supported and seen. This class format helped me deconstruct where I’m blocked. I feel a sense of lightness and freedom after class." Excellent and very empowering!"
  • "Thomas’ lessons are digestible— relatable information with useful tools to take action."
  • I’m so excited for Mondays. This is a such great experience. I always left feeling empowered to move forward on whatever issue I was working on. It is so uplifting and inspiring!
Self-knowledge is the key to Personal Power
Unlock your Mind
This class will challenge you week after week—reigniting dreams and reawakening burning desires. We’ll show you how The Paradox Process tools interact with your mind and completely change your life.
Create Community
A like-minded group gives us courage, a real sense of “We can do it.” When one of us has a breakthrough, we all win. Everyone feels encouraged to face issues and to fight harder to become who we can be.
Be Brilliant
Discover the real you, an incredible being with amazing potential. You have gifts, inspiration, and a passion for life. This inner you has confidence that is unstoppable and full of great joy and satisfaction.

After purchasing, you will be prompted to sign up for your own personal account on our membership site Thinkific. All of the material for the series will be accessible in one spot. 

* All classes are on zoom. 
* Replays are posted to the Paradox Thinkific portal within 24hrs.

 All sales are final and non-refundable.

Have questions? Email [email protected]